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Mosquito information

Mosquito adults are small, flying, midgelike insects. Female mosquitoes can be differentiated from similar insects by the presence of a long slender proboscis that is adapted for piercing skin and sucking blood, and long slender wings that are covered with small scales. Male mosquitoes have scale-covered wings, but their probosces, or beaks, are shorter and thicker than the females', and are adapted for sucking plant juices and other sources of sugar rather than blood. In the immature stages, called larvae or wigglers, mosquitoes are usually black or dark brown and occur in nonmoving or nearly still water. Most mosquito larvae have a distinctive siphon or air tube at the rear of their bodies. The next stage is the pupal stage; pupae, called tumblers, are also aquatic and are small, roundish forms, usually black in color.

The meaning of the word “mosquito” is Spanish stands for “little fly”. But don't underestimate insect's size, despite that, it is well known for its big, itchy bite.

Mosquitoes are summertime pests. They ruin barbecues, late night strolls by the lake, and quiet evenings relaxing on the porch. The annoying sound of the bug zapper or the unpleasant smell of insect repellent is enough to turn any fun outdoor evening event into a sheltered indoor activity. Mosquitoes lurk around looking for a human or animal “host” from which they can suck blood. Their bites are very itchy and can leave the skin irritated for a few days.

Mosquitoes, however, are more than just a summertime nuisance. Some carry dangerous diseases that are transmittable to humans. These diseases include West Nile virus, malaria, encephalitis, and dengue fever.

Mosquito information - What do they look like?

There are over 2,700 different species of mosquitoes buzzing throughout the world. These insects are generally ¼ to ½ inch long and brown in color. They are thin, long-legged, and winged.

Mosquito information - Where do they live?

Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water and therefore, their habitats are usually found near lakes and ponds. They may also live closer to your home than you would like. They have been found in clogged gutters, old tires filled with water, fountains, and swimming pools that are not chlorinated.

Mosquito information - Did you know…?

Many would be interested to know that only the female mosquito sucks blood. They need the proteins found in animal and human blood to reproduce. The males, on the other hand, get their nourishment from plant nectars.


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Harry I just recently killed a mosquito that was in fact an inch long. It's wings looked like wood, they weren't thin like the normal mosquito you see. Since that day I only saw two more like it. It took two good swatts to kill this monstor. It was a mosquito, a very big mosquito.
by Harry
